
半兽人 发表于: 2015-03-10   最后更新时间: 2021-08-12 10:57:37  
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Operationally, we do the following for a healthy ZooKeeper installation:

  • Redundancy in the physical/hardware/network layout: try not to put them all in the same rack, decent (but don't go nuts) hardware, try to keep redundant power and network paths, etc.
    在物理,硬件,网络布局的冗余: 尽量不要把它们放在同一机架内,良好的(但不要发疯) 硬件,尽量保持冗余的电源和网络路径等等.

  • I/O segregation: if you do a lot of write type traffic you'll almost definitely want the transaction logs on a different disk group than application logs and snapshots (the write to the ZooKeeper service has a synchronous write to disk, which can be slow).

  • Application segregation: Unless you really understand the application patterns of other apps that you want to install on the same box, it can be a good idea to run ZooKeeper in isolation (though this can be a balancing act with the capabilities of the hardware).

  • Use care with virtualization: It can work, depending on your cluster layout and read/write patterns and SLAs, but the tiny overheads introduced by the virtualization layer can add up and throw off ZooKeeper, as it can be very time sensitive

  • ZooKeeper configuration and monitoring: It's java, make sure you give it 'enough' heap space (We usually run them with 3-5G, but that's mostly due to the data set size we have here). Unfortunately we don't have a good formula for it. As far as monitoring, both JMZ and the 4 letter commands are very useful, they do overlap in some cases (and in those cases we prefer the 4 letter commands, they seem more predictable, or at the very least, they work better with the LI monitoring infrastructure)

  • Don't overbuild the cluster: large clusters, especially in a write heavy usage pattern, means a lot of intracluster communication (quorums on the writes and subsequent cluster member updates), but don't underbuild it (and risk swamping the cluster).

  • Try to run on a 3-5 node cluster: ZooKeeper writes use quorums and inherently that means having an odd number of machines in a cluster. Remember that a 5 node cluster will cause writes to slow down compared to a 3 node cluster, but will allow more fault tolerance.
    尝试在3 - 5个节点集群上运行:Zookeeper写入使用规定人数,本质上这意味着在集群中有个奇数的机器。要知道,一个5节点的集群比3节点集群要慢,但将允许更多的容错能力。

Overall, we try to keep the ZooKeeper system as small as will handle the load (plus standard growth capacity planning) and as simple as possible. We try not to do anything fancy with the configuration or application layout as compared to the official release as well as keep it as self contained as possible. For these reasons, we tend to skip the OS packaged versions, since it has a tendency to try to put things in the OS standard hierarchy, which can be 'messy', for want of a better way to word it.
总体来看,我们尽量保持zookeeper尽可能小的处理负载 (标准增长容量规划) 并尽可能的简单。我们尽量不做什么花里胡哨的配置或应用程序的布局,相比,我们尽可能的保持使用官方版本的发布。基于这些原因,我们倾向于跳过操作系统打包的版本,因为它会把焦点集中在操作系统标准层次结构中。

更新于 2021-08-12

liebe41 6年前


半兽人 -> liebe41 6年前

