
半兽人 发表于: 2015-03-10   最后更新时间: 2020-12-22 17:00:53  
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The Kafka cluster will automatically detect any broker shutdown or failure and elect new leaders for the partitions on that machine. This will occur whether a server fails or it is brought down intentionally for maintenance or configuration changes. For the later cases Kafka supports a more graceful mechanism for stoping a server then just killing it. When a server is stopped gracefully it has two optimizations it will take advantage of:

It will sync all its logs to disk to avoid needing to do any log recovery when it restarts (i.e. validating the checksum for all messages in the tail of the log). Log recovery takes time so this speeds up intentional restarts.

It will migrate any partitions the server is the leader for to other replicas prior to shutting down. This will make the leadership transfer faster and minimize the time each partition is unavailable to a few milliseconds.

Syncing the logs will happen automatically happen whenever the server is stopped other than by a hard kill, but the controlled leadership migration requires using a special setting:


Note that controlled shutdown will only succeed if all the partitions hosted on the broker have replicas (i.e. the replication factor is greater than 1 and at least one of these replicas is alive). This is generally what you want since shutting down the last replica would make that topic partition unavailable.

更新于 2020-12-22

Yangy 4年前

你好,我使用kafka-manager的时候在里面看不到消费情况,lag,就是Consumers这个下面是空的,我在bin/kafka-server-start.sh下添加了export JMX_PORT="9999",也勾选了Enable JMX Polling (Set JMX_PORT env variable before starting kafka server)这条,能帮忙看下吗?

半兽人 -> Yangy 4年前


Yangy -> 半兽人 4年前


自由如风 -> Yangy 3年前

Poll consumer information (Not recommended for large # of consumers if ZK is used for offsets tracking on older Kafka versions)

大熊 4年前

你好,想问一下,一般要让kafka正常停止是要设置 controlled.shutdown.enable=true配置项, 然后用kafka-server-stop.sh 脚本停止?

半兽人 -> 大熊 4年前


大熊 -> 半兽人 4年前

所以 controlled.shutdown.enable=true是一定要设置的?

大熊 -> 半兽人 4年前

我看到kafka-server-stop.sh 是 kill -s TERM $PIDS的方式,所以当收到term信号的时候,同时又发现了controlled.shutdown.enable=true,就会正常停止kafka?如果controlled.shutdown.enable=false,会不会导致index文件损坏?

半兽人 -> 大熊 4年前


大熊 -> 半兽人 4年前

