0 声望


  • 回复 半兽人kafka故障重启后,isr副本失效,所有主题基本上undder replicated均大于0,这是什么鬼? 中 :

    我这边也一样,kafka的vm搬迁,上午停机,下午才启动起来,然后kafka有一个节点如果没启动,under replicated就为100%,到底啥问题哦,如何解决这种问题呢

  • 回复 半兽人kafka 分片使用不均匀问题如何解决,求救 中 :

    大佬,有个问题啊我的环境是3zk,3broker的kafka集群,但是当我关掉一个节点之后,kafka的under replicaed就是变100%,而且我把topic由原来的单副本增加到3副本了,但是我手动leader选举还是失败,日志却显示已经我是leader了

    [2020-08-08 19:06:21,462] INFO [Broker id=0] Skipped the become-leader state change after marking its partition as leader with correlation id 13 from controller 2 epoch 22 for partition __consumer_offsets-34 (last update controller epoch 22) since it is already the leader for the partition. (state.change.logger)
    [2020-08-08 19:06:21,462] INFO [Broker id=0] Skipped the become-leader state change after marking its partition as leader with correlation id 13 from controller 2 epoch 22 for partition __consumer_offsets-15 (last update controller epoch 22) since it is already the leader for the partition. (state.change.logger)
    [2020-08-08 19:06:21,463] INFO [Broker id=0] Skipped the become-leader state change after marking its partition as leader with correlation id 13 from controller 2 epoch 22 for partition __consumer_offsets-12 (last update controller epoch 22) since it is already the leader for the partition. (state.change.logger)
    [2020-08-08 19:06:21,464] INFO [Broker id=0] Skipped the become-leader state change after marking its partition as leader with correlation id 13 from controller 2 epoch 22 for partition __consumer_offsets-9 (last update controller epoch 22) since it is already the leader for the partition. (state.change.logger)
    [2020-08-08 19:06:21,464] INFO [Broker id=0] Skipped the become-leader state change after marking its partition as leader with correlation id 13 from controller 2 epoch 22 for partition __consumer_offsets-28 (last update controller epoch 22) since it is already the leader for the partition. (state.change.logger)
    [2020-08-08 19:06:21,465] INFO [Broker id=0] Skipped the become-leader state change after marking its partition as leader with correlation id 13 from controller 2 epoch 22 for partition fluentbit.kube-0 (last update controller epoch 22) since it is already the leader for the partition. (state.change.logger)
    [2020-08-08 19:06:21,466] INFO [Broker id=0] Skipped the become-leader state change after marking its partition as leader with correlation id 13 from controller 2 epoch 22 for partition __consumer_offsets-6 (last update controller epoch 22) since it is already the leader for the partition. (state.change.logger)
    [2020-08-08 19:06:21,466] INFO [Broker id=0] Skipped the become-leader state change after marking its partition as leader with correlation id 13 from controller 2 epoch 22 for partition __consumer_offsets-16 (last update controller epoch 22) since it is already the leader for the partition. (state.change.logger)
    [2020-08-08 19:06:21,467] INFO [Broker id=0] Skipped the become-leader state change after marking its partition as leader with correlation id 13 from controller 2 epoch 22 for partition __consumer_offsets-22 (last update controller epoch 22) since it is already the leader for the partition. (state.change.logger)
    [2020-08-08 19:06:21,468] INFO [Broker id=0] Skipped the become-leader state change after marking its partition as leader with correlation id 13 from controller 2 epoch 22 for partition __consumer_offsets-3 (last update controller epoch 22) since it is already the leader for the partition. (state.change.logger)
  • 回复 半兽人kafka使用SSL加密和认证 中 :


  • 回复 半兽人kafka使用SSL加密和认证 中 :

    请问主机名验证里面,alias和SAN DNS设置是都写hostname吗?
